Sunday, December 21, 2008

Visualizing A New Year

Why is it many of us get all introspective at the end of year? I've been pondering if it's a loss of time we are feeling or the giddy expectations of good things to come in the next year. Like children waiting on Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

So we get all excited about the New Year. THIS year is going to be different! So we go about setting New Years resolutions. And what's up with THAT? There isn't a written (or unwritten) rule we must set a resolution. Nobody makes us do it. It's our own idea...... and often we approach it without a lot of thought or a plan to achieve them and thus ultimately fail.

Pondered that a lot lately and reached a few conclusions.

Resolutions are born out of our discontent.

We WANT to change. We truly do.

We want to lose weight, be healthier, more successful, more organized, etc.

The problem with New Years resolutions is that we want a CHANGE, whether it be weight loss, a new job, a house, a new car, someone to share our life with, to quit smoking, etc etc. but we don't follow thru on the actions needed to bring about the change we desire. You know what they say.... I'll paraphrase.... if you keep doing the same things you'll keep getting the same results. And it's true.

I'll be honest. I don't like the term "new years resolution". Does it turn you off also? But still it's important to stop once in a while and ponder where you are in life. Is this where you want to be? Are you who you want to be? Are you happy? At the end of every year I take time to plan for next year. I don't call it "making a new years resolution". I like to think of it as what I'm going to do different or better to bring my dreams a little closer to reality or taking stock of what I need to do to enhance my life. Life is so busy these days. It's important to step off the merry-go-round once in a while and refocus. Don't you think?

But so often we profess a desire for change and then continue to do the same things over and over as if the result will be different. We are married to our habits, to convenience...... to our comfortable life. Change requires ACTION which is sometimes uncomfortable, at least, at first.
It's so much easier to stay mired in our customary everyday habitual routine which is safe and comfortable.

Let me say this about "habit". Habit may be comfortable but it takes away our power of choice. One can't both, stay mired in habit, and CHOOSE to CHANGE. Give that one some thought.

Have you thought about making a healthful resolution this next year? May I suggest you look at it this way....

if you love your life, you will want to take care of your body. If you were diagnosed with a life threatening disease you would change your diet.... you might even exercise more (if you could) ... but you wouldn't be doing those things because of what the scale said or how you feel about how you look. You'd be doing those things cos you love your life and you didn't want it cut short.

So my question to you is: Why wait till you get sick?

Your wellness is the foundation of everything good in your life. Every good thing you do to support your wellness will pay you back in the enhancement of some aspect of your life. If you think about it I think you'd agree wellness is integral to every part of your life.

In setting your healthful New Years resolution(s) may I recommend:

1. Keep your resolution(s) realistic
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
3. Believe in your ability to change
4. Keep a journal of your progress
5. Focus on one resolution at a time
6. Be accountable to someone other than yourself: do you have a trusted friend who is also making a resolution?

New Years resolutions (or any change) can be boiled down to four steps:

  • Choose to change
  • Give thought to planning the change
  • Take action to effect the change
  • Visualize your success as you work toward success

But you need a plan to put those steps into motion. So consider the finer points in your resolution by thinking it through as follows:

Why is your resolution important to you? What will change about your life when you achieve your resolution? (Be realistic!) What changes do you need to make in your life to achieve your resolution? How will you implement those changes?

Thinking it thru is a crucial step. In fact, not thinking it thru is the foremost reason for failure.

The reason most people never reach their resolutions is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.” - Denis Waitley

Not only is thinking it thru a crucial step; but what you are saying to yourself in your thoughts is also crucial. Are you visualizing success? Or is there a nagging doubt? A nagging thought this year won't be any different than any other? Are you defeating yourself before you even really get started? Keep those thoughts positive! and I might add hang out with positive people!

What are YOU going to do this year to achieve YOUR New Years resolution(s)?

What are YOU going to do this year to make your dreams closer to reality?

What are YOU going to do this year to make this year better than last year?

I should add .....

you may find the person you become as a result of thinking, planning, taking action, visualizing and achieving the change you desire will be every bit as priceless as the resolution itself.

Quantum-Self -Visualize Success


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